She told us what is good for you and what is not. Also we learnt how to read the labels and how much sugar we are supposed to have. The grop I was in was with Nevaeh Emalea and Emaleas mum and I.
We got given a sheet of paper with things we had to find everyday food and Occasional. It was confusing and todesfall, but it was fun. At the end we got a lunch box and a magnet whiteboard. I learnt that howl seed muesli bars are good for you and the porridge is not good for you because the sugar is over 5. also if it has nuts it is good for you.
This was fun to do and a big thanks you to Mikaela for teaching us this and sue the pack and save onner for giving us a $60 voucher for out class.

Hey my friend I miss you btw its Roxy that used to go to Gilberthope this is really really coll I liked how you are still posting I miss you and all the others.